Sacramento California Colleges

Our Database Currently Includes 28 Sacramento California Colleges.

We currently have a database of 28 4-year Universities, 2-year Colleges, Junior Colleges, Vocational Schools, Job Training Programs, and Technical Certification Programs in SACRAMENTO California.

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American River College 2-year public
Business and Technology Training Institute Less than 2-year public
Cal - Trade Welding School Less than 2-year private, for-profit
California State University - Sacramento 4-year public
Capital Bible College 4-year private, not-for-profit
Cet - Sacramento Less than 2-year private, not-for-profit
Charles A. Jones Skills and Business Education Center 2-year public
Compuvista Business Institute Less than 2-year private, for-profit
Cosumnes River College 2-year public
Elite Progressive School of Cosmetology Less than 2-year private, for-profit
Federico Beauty Institute Less than 2-year private, for-profit
Integrative Therapy School Less than 2-year private, for-profit
Lincoln Law School of Sacramento 4-year private, for-profit
Los Rios Community College District Office Central office or Administrative Unit
Moler Barber College Less than 2-year private, for-profit
Moler Barber College Less than 2-year private, for-profit
Mti College 2-year private, for-profit
Northwestern California University School of Law 4-year private, for-profit
Precision Technical Institute Less than 2-year private, for-profit
Professional School of Psychology 4-year private, for-profit
Sacramento City College 2-year public
The Union Institute 4-year private, not-for-profit
Travel and Tourism Institute Less than 2-year private, for-profit
Trinity Life Bible College 4-year private, not-for-profit
Truck Driving Academy Less than 2-year private, for-profit
University of Northern Ca - Lorenzo Patino Sch Law 4-year private, for-profit
University of Phoenix - Sacramento Valley Campus 4-year private, for-profit
Western Career College 2-year private, for-profit

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